Swaddles are my absolute go-to for newborn sleep! If your little one seems to resist swaddling, don’t give up just yet. Give the 5 S’s for soothing babies offer multiple techniques to try.

When is it time to move on from swaddling? Here’s a quick guide:

  1. Velcro Swaddle: Around 2-3 months, consider switching to a velcro swaddle to prevent loose fabric near the face as babies become more active.
  2. One Arm Out: At 4 months, try leaving one arm out of the swaddle to give your baby a self-soothing option.
  3. Dropping the Swaddle: Once your baby shows signs of rolling, typically around 4 months, it’s time to stop swaddling to ensure safety during sleep.

Transitioning can be tricky, especially for early rollers. Practice rolling during the day and consider using Zipadee Zip sleep sacks or the Merlin Suit to help reduce startle reflexes.

While the AAP advises against weighted products and Goverment Canada near infants during sleep, we encourage you to make informed decisions based on your family’s needs.

Transitioning out of the swaddle can be done gradually or all at once, depending on what works best for you and your baby. Consider tools like the Love to Dream, or Swaddle Me to ease the process.

Remember, this is just another stage you and your baby will navigate together. You’ve got this!

For personalized support, don’t hesitate to reach out for a consultation with our certified sleep consultants. We’re here to help you and your little one get the rest you need and deserve.