Curious about when and how to establish a bedtime routine for your baby? Let’s dive in!

First things first – it’s never too early to start incorporating routines. From babies to toddlers and beyond, routines work wonders for everyone. A consistent bedtime routine not only helps your baby form patterns but also aids in distinguishing between day and night.

Fun fact: Most babies are still figuring out their circadian rhythm until around 8-12 weeks. Introducing a bedtime routine helps them recognize that it’s nighttime. These are what we call social cues and are so helpful for preparing for sleep.

Now, here’s a nugget of wisdom: Many newborns (under 12 weeks) may not be ready for bedtime until 9-11 pm, and guess what? That’s perfectly normal! Later bedtimes work best. I recommend some cozy cluster feeding, snuggles, and holding in the evening until around 8-9 pm. Then, kickstart your bedtime routine, aiming to have them nestled into their crib 60-90 minutes later or whenever those sleep cues make an appearance. Remember to keep the bedtime routine short at this age – 20 minutes is ideal.

Let’s break down a simple bedtime routine example:

🕗 8:00 – Awake and feed (30 mins)
🛁 8:30 – Bath or wipe down
👶 8:45 – Diaper, Lotion, Pajamas, swaddle/sleep sack
🍼 8:50 – Top up feeding session
🌙 9:05 – Dim lights and one-on-one time with lullaby
😴 9:10 – Sleep time (however it works best for you at this age– rocking, holding, soothing, or down awake)

Establishing a bedtime routine not only helps your baby get a good night’s sleep but also provides a sense of security and comfort. Feel free to adjust the timings based on your baby’s cues and needs.

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