Learn with Liz

Setting up a Nursery

Embarking on the journey of setting up your nursery? Start by creating the perfect sleeping space for your baby. In this guide, we delve into crucial considerations for co-sharing a room

Dropping the Swaddle

Swaddles are my absolute go-to for newborn sleep! If your little one seems to resist swaddling, don't give up just yet. Give the 5 S's for soothing babies offer multiple techniques to try. When is it time to move on from swaddling? Here's a quick guide: Velcro...

Newborn Bedtime Routine making nighttime easier!

Curious about when and how to establish a bedtime routine for your baby? Let’s dive in! First things first – it’s never too early to start incorporating routines. From babies to toddlers and beyond, routines work wonders for everyone. A consistent bedtime routine not...

Toddler Bed v’s Toddler Floor Bed

Traditional Toddler Bed vs. Toddler Floor Bed

Wondering about the best sleep solution for your toddler? Let’s dive into the debate between traditional toddler beds and the increasingly popular toddler floor beds.

What is a Toddler Floor Bed?
A toddler floor bed is a mattress positioned directly on the floor or slightly elevated without high rails, providing toddlers with the freedom to move in and out of bed. Unlike traditional toddler beds, which are smaller in size (27”x 52”) and elevated like a crib, floor beds offer a unique sleep setup.

Pros and Cons of Toddler Floor Beds:

Larger mattresses facilitate bonding time at bedtime, allowing space for reading and bedtime snuggles.
Affordable options ranging from placing a crib mattress on the floor to purchasing a floor bed frame and mattress.
Larger mattress size provides more wiggle room and a longer lifespan, typically lasting until 4-5 years of age.

Being on the floor may encourage walking and bouncing, potentially shortening the bed’s lifespan.
Harder to keep clean if shoes are worn indoors.
Pros and Cons of Traditional Toddler Beds:

Some cribs can transform into toddler beds, offering a convenient transition option.
Skipping the toddler bed and moving directly to a twin-size bed can provide a longer lifespan.
Elevated design tends to keep beds cleaner.

The height and size may pose safety issues for some families.
Bed rails, if needed, come at an extra cost.
Shorter lifespan, usually lasting until 4-5 years of age.
Toddler Beds and Floor Beds: Freedom and Independence
The choice between toddler beds and floor beds influences the freedom and independence your child experiences during sleep. Expect a honeymoon phase, lasting anywhere from 2 weeks to 8 months, when making the switch. Transition from the crib after 3 years of age when your child has outgrown it or when it’s no longer safe.

Communication and Safety Tips:
Communicating with a 3-year-old about staying in their room becomes easier, and positive reinforcement helps extend their bed stay. Regardless of your choice, safety-proof your child’s room by securing furniture, covering outlets, and removing potential hazards. Consider safety gates if stairs are present.

In conclusion, the decision between traditional toddler beds and floor beds is a personal one, balancing the pros and cons to ensure a cozy and secure sleep environment for your growing toddler.

Gradual Night Weaning for Bottle and Breastfed Babies.

Navigating Night Weaning and Phasing Out Night Feeds: Considerations and Tips Babies waking up at night is a common occurrence during the first few months of life, typically due to hunger. Small babies have small tummies that need frequent filling, making nighttime...

Sound Machine Safety, Preferred Sounds, and the Benefits.

Explore the essential guide to sound machine safety and preferred sounds in our latest blog post, ensuring a secure and serene sleep environment for your baby. Discover the benefits of improved sleep quality, noise masking, and versatile solutions, making bedtime a peaceful experience for both you and your little one. 🌙💤 #BabySleep #SoundMachineSafety #ParentingTips

Early morning wakings: Your Simple Guide to Better Sleep

Introduction: Being a parent is a joy, but early mornings that don't fit your family's routine can be tough. If you're dealing with waking up too early, don't worry! I've put together a straightforward list of reasons to help you and your little one have more peaceful...

Decoding Sleep Cues: A Roadmap to Better Bedtimes for Your Little One

Decoding Sleep Cues: A Roadmap to Better Bedtimes for Your Little One 🌜 Hello wonderful parents and caregivers! As we journey through the beautiful realm of parenting, one significant aspect that keeps us on our toes is ensuring our little ones get the right amount of...

How to Survive Sleep Regressions

Discover expert strategies to navigate sleep regressions in infants and toddlers. Learn about common regressions and how to support your child through developmental milestones for a good night’s sleep. Patience, understanding, and consistency are key. Wishing you peaceful dreams! 😊🌙

Understanding Newborn Sleep Patterns: A Gentle Guide for Exhausted Moms

Being a new mom is a beautiful journey filled with joy and wonder, but it also comes with its fair share of challenges, particularly when it comes to your baby's sleep patterns. The elusive quest for a good night's sleep can leave even the most resilient moms feeling...

How to adjust your baby’s schedule for Fall time change

If keeping to a routine isn't tricky enough, there is the added struggle of daylight savings. This time of year we can expect to move our clocks back an hour on Sunday 6th of November. This can be a time many parents dread especially if you already have an early...
How to drop from 2 to 1 nap

How to drop from 2 to 1 nap

2-1 Nap Transition The biggest change in sleep for your child to navigate is the 2-1 nap transition. It is the hardest of all the transitions for your child. Your child has to consolidate all of their daytime sleep into 1 nap and maintain large wake windows of at...

Nap transition 3-2

Nap transition 3-2

3-2 Nap Transition For months you and your baby have been working establishing a good sleep routine, lengthening naps and finally a consistent 3 nap schedule and then almost overnight the 3rd nap becomes a struggle and eventually your baby just refuses that nap.  What...

How to Read Sleepy Cues

How to Read Sleepy Cues

Timing is everything when it comes to your child's sleep. A few important things to keep in mind when it comes to having successful naps are wake windows and watching sleepy cues. Nap timing can be especially tricky when it comes to newborns, check out our newborn...

Ready to start sleeping?

Learn how to help your little one fall asleep independently, sleep through the night & nap consistently to regain your nights & be the best, happiest version of you.

Book your Free Discovery Call here!

Enhancing your baby's sleep is something we can work on regardless of their age. The strategy differs between a newborn and a 6-month-old, and we tailor our approach to align with their age and developmental stage.

With newborns, we adopt a method known as sleep shaping. This involves arranging the elements of the sleep routine without a strict structure. It's crucial to remain highly attentive and responsive to a newborn's needs while encouraging longer stretches of sleep.

Once your baby reaches 4 months of age, we have a broader array of tools to enhance their sleep. We can implement a structured approach and establish a consistent routine to support better sleep patterns."

The duration varies based on various factors, including your baby's temperament, age, stage of development, and the chosen method.

Generally, you can expect to notice improvements within 3-7 days and witness the sleep routine fully taking shape within 2 weeks. It's important to note that we refrain from making absolute guarantees since the outcome is influenced by the parents, which is beyond our control.

Families who adhere to our guidance typically observe significant progress by the third day and a substantial transformation by the end of the two-week period.

Although some consultants and parents have found it effective for sleep training, we do not incorporate this approach for our clients. We firmly believe in employing supportive methods that provide your baby with the necessary space and opportunity to foster independent sleep skills.


Crying is one of the ways your baby communicates (you can find more information on this here). It's natural for your baby to resist change; they might feel a bit confused and even frustrated. After all, they don't comprehend that the change is intended to improve their sleep. Remember, your role during this phase is to provide them with support.

We, as mothers ourselves, take pride in our holistic approach to sleep. Our objective is to assist your child in becoming a confident and content independent sleeper who finds safety and joy in their sleep environment and grows to appreciate their rest.

Feel free to explore our reviews to witness the positive and transformative impact these changes can have.

Definitely! All our one-on-one consultations take place through virtual sessions using Zoom or phone calls. We collaborate with clients across different regions including America, Europe, Australia, New Zealand, Asia, and beyond. Our global booking system enables you to select a suitable time according to your schedule.

You can view our range of sleep consult packages here, or contact us if you have questions.

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Hey, it's Liz Holman, and I totally get where you're at! I'm a mom of two, a wife, and a business owner. Sleep troubles were seriously affecting our family's well-being and joy. Making a change felt overwhelming—so many questions, so much advice!

But, believe me, making a change can be simpler than it seems. Let's kickstart the journey to better sleep for your family today! Start by taking our free assessment right over  HERE!
